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About us

Our sages, of blessed memory, taught us that even when the task is immense, to the extent that we cannot complete it, we are not exempt from beginning it, continuing it, and persevering in it. Thus, we must proceed step by step, stone by stone, towards the ultimate goal.

In other words, the thousand-mile journey to preserve the legacy of the Jewish community of Aram Soba begins with the first steps. Indeed, this is how we began fourty-three years ago.
We started from nothing, as the heritage of Aram Soba had never received the proper documentation or research it deserved. This, despite being a remarkable Jewish community with a rich and diverse heritage—a multidisciplinary mosaic that has left, and continues to leave, a profound and lasting impact on all aspects of Jewish life, across generations and throughout the diaspora.

From then until today, we have traversed a long and challenging path. With limited resources but a clear vision and steadfast determination, we have moved forward. Through the combined efforts of a small group of dedicated individuals, both from Israel and abroad, we established the Center for the Heritage of Aram Soba (Aleppo). Today, by the grace of God, we stand as a significant institution with an impressive record of accomplishments that allows us to take pride in our contributions to the Jewish people, both in Israel and the diaspora.

Read and judge for yourselves!
This is also a wonderful opportunity for us to express our deepest gratitude to you, our friends in Israel and around the world, for your financial, material, moral, and spiritual support of this endeavor. You are partners in this success; it is thanks to you that we exist, operate, and continue to grow.

We also extend our heartfelt thanks to the Ministry of Education and Culture in Israel for their support and guidance throughout our activities.

The Center for the Heritage of Aram Soba is dedicated to the Jewish people, encompassing all its communities and social strata. Therefore, we call upon everyone to contribute to the continuation of this mission—whether through financial support, providing documents, certificates, photographs, and heritage items, or through active engagement in our cause.

How fortunate we are to have embarked on this historic mission, so vital to the Jewish people! Blessed are those who have accompanied us on this journey, and blessed are those who join and will continue to join us in this long and meaningful endeavor.

And once again: the task is not ours to complete, but neither are we free to desist from it.

With great respect,
The Management Team
The Global Center for the Heritage of Aram Soba (Aleppo)

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